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Our whole campus has been turned into a stage, with stories being told in every corner

During this sunny end to the month of June, our Qianhai campus became the site of our great annual celebration: King’s Week! From deep probes into academic topics to passionate interpretations of works of art, and from experiments with cutting-edge science to hotly-contested sporting competitions, our students went all out to flaunt their talent and creativity.


At KSS, we not only aim for outstanding academic achievements, we also encourage the comprehensive development of artistic talent, physical prowess, and creative thinking. We inspire courage in our students that takes them beyond what can be learnt from textbooks, so that they seize real-life opportunities with both hands, so that they are confident in feeling their emotions, and so that they dare to express their own ideas freely. That's the King's Week spirit.


The Stage is Where Dreams are Born

Theatre is a window into the stories of different eras, offering us a glimpse into their most profound and wonderful moments, and it is precisely those moments that came to life on the King’s Week stage. In ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’, our actors transfigured themselves into Hogwarts students, taking us on a journey through that mysterious and magical world and the fantastical ancient secrets and bold adventurers that characterise it.

Then we jumped forward in time to the Victorian London of Oscar Wilde, where wit and satire meet, and elegance and humour coexist. Through their superb acting skills and evocative dialogue, the students vividly illustrated the absurdities and hypocrisies of upper-class life, and caused us to reflect on the importance of being earnest and true to ourselves. 

Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ is a complicated tale of love, deception, and mistaken identity. Our students skilfully portrayed their characters’ emotional entanglements and inner turmoil, allowing us to experience the complexity of life in between bursts of laughter, all the while tasting the sweetness and the bitterness of love.


The Beating Heart of Art

As Picasso said, “every child is an artist.” The journey of each of our students is like a unique scroll painting, on which the colours and lines of their lives paint a distinctive and personal story. We are very cognisant of the inexhaustible effort that they have put into their education already, and we believe that their hard work and the beliefs they express are worthy of being cherished, being acknowledged, and being respected. 

Our Senior School choir was invited to perform at the birthday celebrations of King Charles III, where their performance won widespread praise, and where they displayed the excellent standard of musical education at KSS.


Sparks of Knowledge

Passion and creativity can be found in every corner of our Qianhai campus. Things like the catapults that our students have made or their handmade rafts are not only the result of putting scientific principles into practice, they are also manifestations of our students’ infinite creativity of thought. At King’s, every child is given the ability to turn their whimsical ideas into reality, and gets to experience the creative process all the way from inception to completion.

When it comes to our students’ displaying their academic achievements, we emphasise concrete displays of whole-person education. From creating the setting to describing their intention, we can tell by their original compositions that our young musicians hold rich and diverse worlds within their souls, and that their passion for music and understanding of art run deep.

Our Grade 8 students have paraphrased complex biological concepts using simple language, and added models and diagrams to reveal the secrets of the human body, guiding us to greater understanding of the working principles of our cardiovascular system, nervous system, and respiratory system.

The outstanding academic abilities of our students were further evidenced by the keen insights of the debating competition, the model rockets built by our Grade 2 pupils, and the dystopian novels written by our Grade 10 students.

In the KSS computing skills curriculum, science and technology impact on our students’ thought processes to spark endless creativity. In Senior School, our students explored automated systems, programmed smart cars for automatic line following and obstacle avoidance, and built a model house equipped with a range of smart home appliances. 


The Joy of Playing with Water

Summer would not be complete without a pool party! What makes it so incredibly fun is not just the welcome coolness of the water, but also the unrestricted freedom and the shared joy that come with it.


Annual Awards Ceremony

We encourage all of our students to pluck up the courage to get up on stage. Whether it is to sing, dance, act, give a speech, or display their academic achievements, all forms of expression are worthy of praise and applause.

At the King’s Week annual awards ceremony, we join together to look back on the growth and learning that our students have done over the past year by handing out various academic and pastoral awards that commend them for their excellence in a certain field. This ceremony marks the perfect end to the school year. 


King’s Week is not just an end, it is a new beginning. In the new school year, we look forward to seeing our students continue their pursuit of excellence, their exploration of the unknown, and their creation of opportunity!