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Double Glory in Maths and Debating: KSS Students Shine in International Competitions

The good news just keeps on coming at KSS! Our debate team pioneers took part in their first competition and were immediately successful, and our maths stars displayed their strong grasp of mathematics to pick up a bunch of prizes in the global UKMT maths competition.


UKMT Maths Competition

As the largest and most influential maths competition in Great Britain, the UKMT is the gold standard for competitive mathematics. Every year, more than 600,000 students from over 4,000 schools around the world take part in the UKMT, so the competition is fierce. In this year’s contest, KSS students leveraged their mastery of fundamental maths and their excellent problem-solving skills to achieve remarkable results. 5 global gold awards3 global silver awards, and 2 global bronze awards, combined with 1 best in school award and 2 best in year awards testify to the ability and potential of our students.


Zongheng Cup Mandarin Debate Tournament

KSS Senior School students distinguished themselves over the course of several rounds of competition in the Zongheng Cup, an international Mandarin debate tournament in which over 110 international schools took part. Not only did our team place 6th overall, they also won individual prizes for Outstanding Debater and for Outstanding Debater in a Single Match. Having started the process with little knowledge of the rules of debate and yet having gone on to achieve such excellent results in their very first debate competition has been a transformative experience for our students, and shows the remarkable speed with which King’s students are able to acquire new academic skills, as well as their ability to perform well under pressure and their team spirit.

The King’s School Shenzhen has been committed to all-round education from the outset. We do not just pursue academic excellence, we also work hard to increase our students’ problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamworking abilities, and other such broadly-applicable qualities. The outstanding achievements of our students in the UKMT maths competition and in the Zongheng Cup Mandarin debate tournament embody this philosophy perfectly.

A King’s education is not just delivered in the classroom. Our rich offering of co-curricular activities, participation in international competitions, real-world experiences, and more, provides our students with a platform on which to express themselves, challenge themselves, and surpass their previous selves. We will continue to guide our students along their path of personal growth to the greatest degree possible, and help them write the next chapter in their wonderful story.